5 Tips for Buying a Breast Pump

5 Tips for Buying a Breast Pump

The breast pump can be a breastfeeding mum’s best friend. Whether it’s to provide relief from engorged breasts or to allow mum a free night without her bub in tow, the breast pump is an essential tool for every new mum.

The good news is that there is a variety of pumps for mums to choose from. The bad news? There are so many different types, styles and price points it can be hard for a new mum to decide.

Below are our 5 tips for buying the best breast pump for your lifestyle:  

Tip #1: Skip “Top of the Line” Pumps

The most expensive pumps on the market are unnecessary for the typical mum who may be pumping to make bottle or two for her bub every day, is pumping in the workplace, or is using a pump for engorgement relief.

Tip #2: Rent Your Pump

New mums shouldn’t forget that she can save some cash and rent a breast pump during those early days if:

  • She is trying to establish or maintain her milk supply.

  • She finds her lower power pump insufficient (mums can rent “hospital grade” higher quality pump during those earlier days if she finds that her pump is lacking the power or suction and release).

  • Renting a pump is also a great way for mums to test out a variety of pumps to see which is best before investing in one. 

Tip #3: Electric is Nice but Not Necessary

Some mums will be able to happily pump using a manual breast pump. These can be controlled by squeezing a trigger, sliding a cylinder or pumping with her foot. Electric breast pumps control the suction and release cycle, with mid to higher end models allowing mums to adjust the suction levels and speed. Pumps that allow for more cycles per minute tend to be most effective and gentler on the nipples (a rhythm of 40 to 60 suctions per minute replicates a baby’s natural feeding momentum) which can be difficult to obtain with a manual pump, but a manual pump does give more flexibility and control.

Tip #4: You Pay Extra For Convenience

A single breast pump is often all a new mum needs. But for those who may be more strapped for time (i.e. pumping at work) or love efficiency (i.e. if you hope to store a large quantity of milk over a short period of time), then a double breast pump or even a hands-free pump which straps to your chest for ultimate multitasking will work best.

Tip #5: Stay Comfortable

Pumping can be difficult at first, but the key to pumping the most milk is to stay comfortable. Find a cozy chair with proper back support and wear clothing that will accommodate the positioning of the pump.

Peachymama’s chic and fashionable breastfeeding tops and dresses have a simple yet effective feeding panel which can be easily dropped to accommodate the positioning of any breast pump, making items in our range ideal both for mums pumping at home and those on the go. Check out our new seasonal selections at Peachymama.com.au.

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