There is a lot of misinformation about breastfeeding out in the world today. Unfortunately, this has put a stop to a very special relationship many mothers could have had with their babies if only they had known the truth about breastfeeding.
In this quick post, we are going to share the five most damaging and untrue breastfeeding myths we hear on a regular basis. First on the list:
Myth: Not Producing Enough Milk
Some mothers are anxious about breastfeeding because they cannot accurately measure how much milk their little one is receiving on a daily basis. Even pumping breast milk isn’t an accurate indicator, as the body tends to produce less milk when pumped as opposed to when a baby is suckling at the breast.
The vast majority of mums produce enough milk. If infants are steadily gaining weight, meeting milestones, and have at least eight wet diapers in a day, there’s a good chance that they are getting more than enough breast milk.
The most common reason why a baby may not be getting enough milk isn’t that a mother isn’t producing enough. It’s because of a poor latch (we’ll talk more about that in myth #3).
Myth: Washing Your Nipples Before Each Feed
There is absolutely no need to wash the nipples before or after breastfeeding a baby. In fact, washing the nipples removes the oils a mama’s body naturally produces to protect her skin.
Formula feeding demands cleanliness. But breast milk is designed to protect your baby from infection, so even if any is left on the nipple after a feed, it is not a health issue.
Myth: Breastfeeding Hurts
If breastfeeding is hurting you, it’s not being done correctly.
There may be some initial nipple tenderness when a new mum first starts breastfeeding. The “let-down” sensation of the breast milk while a baby feeds can also be temporarily uncomfortable. But breastfeeding should not hurt either while feeding or after the feed is complete.
The most common reason why mums experience pain when breastfeeding is because their baby is not latched on correctly. Your baby should have most of a mother’s areola in her mouth during each feed with the nose clear of the breast. It’s also possible that a mum and her baby have developed “thrush,” a yeast infection of a mother’s nipple and a baby’s mouth.
Myth: Bottle-feeding is Easier
Ask any bottle-feeding mama how easy it is, and she will likely share with you the horrors of constantly cleaning and disinfecting bottles and nipples.
Another issue: having to prepare the bottles while your baby cries for food.
Breastfeeding allows mums to feed their babes on demand. There is no need to ensure that there is a clean bottle available, no hassle of heating it up, and you are given peace of mind knowing that your baby is receiving the most nutritionally complete food possible.
Myth: Working Means Weaning Your Baby
This is entirely unnecessary. Returning to the workplace may change the way you are able to provide your baby with breast milk during the day, but it’s not a good excuse to stop breastfeeding your baby.
Breastfeeding is perfectly legal in Australia, and women in the workplace should have the right to feed or pump. Check with your employer to review their policies on pumping breast milk or being able to go home to nurse your baby during your breaks.
Peachymama makes it easy for working mums to both nurse and pump easily and discreetly. Our fashionable workplace-friendly breastfeeding clothes feature a unique paneling system that conceals most of the breast, giving you the privacy you deserve.
We’re always introducing new pieces to our extensive line of nursing attire. Be sure to check back with us regularly for the latest fashions at!
Further Reading: